About Us

The William A. Harrison Jr. Foundation is a philanthropic non-profit. The mission is to identify unaddressed needs and support innovative solutions that contribute to the betterment of the community. After considerable research, our first major project supports animal welfare.

Pets are the main source of companionship for many people. It has been heart-rendering to learn how many seniors living right here in Richmond are forced to relinquish their pets due to economic hardships. The cost of even basic healthcare for pets can be too much for many on fixed incomes.

Richmond was one of the few cities of its size not to have a thrift store as an animal charity. We changed that. As our first established program, Furbish Thrift creates sustainable revenue, raising funds for animal care organizations.

Our research into the market and meetings with leaders of animal care non-profits, helped us understand numerous ways we could help. 

Furbish Thrift opened in February, 2023 and sales support grants to non-profits already doing the work of feral colony management, animal rescue and low-cost spa and neuter clinics. We are a hub for the animal care community, connecting resources with needs, housing a free pet food pantry and hosting pet adoptions.

We fund vet tech scholarships and provide humane traps and free vaccination clinics.